Going West by Mark Powers

Monday, March 17, 2008

Honolulu anti-war protest

Anti-war Protest in Honolulu, Hawaii
Yesterday, I saw a sign saying there would be a Peace March in downtown Honolulu, right along Kalakaua Ave, the main street in Waikiki. I walked around looking for the starting point and finally caught up with the march and just jumped in. I saw lots of signs saying 'Stop the War' and 'Impeach Bush' and 'Stop Torture'. As I jumped in a lady gave me some stuff to show my solidarity, and a girl that was having trouble carrying a giant flag of the Earth, happily let me carry it for her.

There were a bunch of guys beating drums as we marched along, and some people with megaphones repeating different slogans, such as 'Power to people'. I was surprised by crowds, some people gave enthusastic thumbs up of approval, some booed us and yelled '4 more years!'.

As we were marching the girl who gave me the flag and I struck up a conversation. It was very cool because we shared alot of the same value and ideas about what was happening in the world and how strongly we felt about demonstrating. We remembered how several years ago that mentioning you were against the war was considered unpatriotic. However, we agreed its our patriotic duty to stand up and have our voice heard in this democracy.

Anyway, I was very excited to be a part of something bigger than myself and show my support for peace and an end to the war.



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